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going on a finger ride
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going a couple of rounds with Ol' Josh
going bannanas
going blind
going cabareting
going down (like a submarine)
going down the dirt road
going down the Hershey highway
Going Dutch
going eye to eye with Johnny Hung
going halvsies on an orgasm
going mining
going on a date with Handrea
going on a date with Palmela
going on a date with Rosey Palm and the five daughters
going on Peewee's little adventure
going on the blow
going on the dole
going on the prowl
going out with Mother Thumb and her four daughters
going to hell in a handbasket
going up the ass
going up the chute
going up the dirt road
going up the Hershey Bar road
going up the mustard road
going up the old dirt road
going with Ms. Thumb & her four daughters
going a couple of rounds with Ol' Josh
going bannanas
going blind
going cabareting
going down (like a submarine)
going down the dirt road
going down the Hershey highway
Going Dutch
going eye to eye with Johnny Hung
going halvsies on an orgasm
going mining
going on a date with Handrea
going on a date with Palmela
going on a date with Rosey Palm and the five daughters
going on a finger ride
going on bush patrolgoing on Peewee's little adventure
going on the blow
going on the dole
going on the prowl
going out with Mother Thumb and her four daughters
going to hell in a handbasket
going up the ass
going up the chute
going up the dirt road
going up the Hershey Bar road
going up the mustard road
going up the old dirt road
going with Ms. Thumb & her four daughters